Wondering if Christmas Eve is a bank holiday? Find out the opening hours for banks, post offices, and delivery services on December 24, 2024, along with tips for your holiday preparations.
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As Christmas week approaches, many of us find ourselves rushing to complete last-minute errands. While Christmas Day is widely recognized as a holiday with many businesses closed, the situation on Christmas Eve can be a bit more complex. Here’s what you need to know about whether banks and other services will be operating on December 24, 2024.
When is Christmas Eve 2024?
Christmas Eve falls on Tuesday, December 24, this year.
Are Post Offices Open on Christmas Eve?
Yes, U.S. post offices will operate during their regular hours on Christmas Eve. According to the USPS website, mail dropped off at blue collection boxes will be collected at the scheduled times, and both regular and Priority Mail Express will be delivered on this day. However, all USPS services will be closed on Christmas Day.
What About UPS and FedEx?
UPS: All UPS delivery services will be available on December 24. The UPS Store locations will also be open. However, please note that UPS Ground service pickups will not be available on Christmas Eve, and Air and International Air service pickups must have been prearranged by December 19. For urgent deliveries, UPS Express Critical is available year-round. More details can be found on their official site.
FedEx: Most FedEx services, including Ground, Ground Economy, and Home Delivery, will operate on Christmas Eve. However, FedEx Express services may have altered hours in some regions. To get specific information about holiday hours, it’s best to check with your local FedEx office. FedEx Freight will not be available on December 24. For more information, visit the FedEx website.
Are Banks Open on Christmas Eve?
Many banks will be open on Christmas Eve. Major institutions like Capital One, Bank of America, PNC, Truist, and CitiBank have confirmed their operations for December 24. However, some branches, particularly those of PNC and Truist, may close early, around 2 p.m. local time. It’s advisable to check with your specific bank branch for their holiday hours before heading out.
While Christmas Day is a public holiday with most businesses closed, Christmas Eve sees a mix of operating hours for banks, postal services, and delivery companies. Make sure to plan accordingly to ensure your errands are completed before the holiday festivities begin. Happy holidays!
For more information about holiday hours and services, you can check the official sites of USPS, UPS, and FedEx.
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